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This 4-minute trailer gives you a taste of TED and the magic that happens at each TED Conference. Amazing speakers, powerful connections and unforgettable moments happen at this four-day "brain spa" -- and they echo throughout the web, as we release videos from the conference on TED.com.
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Talks Alan Kay: A powerful idea about teaching ideas
About this talk
With all the intensity and brilliance for which he is known, Alan Kay envisions better techniques for teaching kids by using computers to illustrate experience in ways -– mathematically and scientifically -- that only computers can.
Why you should listen to him:
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." Alan Kay not only coined this favorite tech-world adage, but has proven its truth several times. A true polymath, as well as inventor, he has combined engineering brilliance with knowledge of child development, epistemology, molecular biology and more.
In the 1960s, Kay joined the computer team at XeroxPARC, where he worked on world-changing inventions like the graphical interface, object-oriented programming, and the personal computer itself. Later, at Apple, Atari, HP, Disney, and now at his own nonprofits, he has helped refine the tools he anticipated long before they were realized.
As the industry has blossomed, however, Kay continues to grapple with the deeper purpose of computing, struggling to create the machine that won't only recapitulate patterns in the world as we know it but will teach both children and adults to think, to see what otherwise is beyond them.
"One of the computer industry's most prolific inventors."Electronic Engineering Times
Outro exemplo:
Tim Brown: The powerful link between creativity and play
2 comentários:
Olá Teresinha. Recebi a dica para o TED há dias e ainda não tinha conseguido explorar bem (comecei a ver uma das conferencias - sobre criatividade) e senti que queria o tempo todo do mundo para ficar ali a aprender. É de facto extraordinário. Vou postar também! beijos e um óptimo ano para ti!
Pois... Quando acabar a tese... tenho tanto (MAIS)para ler e aprender! Uma vida não vai chegar para tantos livros e bons recursos na net!:) Beijinhos e um Ano maravilhoso para vocês!
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