Eu nasci antes de 1977 e continuo a gostar muito de livros.
É uma coisa assim, como dizer, próxima da sedução.
Gosto de lhes mexer, gosto de os levar para todo o lado...
Gosto de os saber meus.
Vou encomendar este. Está decidido
New York Times: Grown Up Digital a “must read”
Posted by: Bill Gillies - Editor on 22Dec 2008
The Times has posted its review of Grown Up Digital. The review’s author, Harry Hurt III, begins with: As the father of an 11-year-old son, I often wonder what’s wrong with kids today. With my child as an exception, of course, they do not seem very bright. They appear to be shamelessly narcissistic, apathetic and lacking in social skills.Skip to next paragraph
And even the best are hopelessly addicted to video games. How can an otherwise healthy boy like mine spend a sunny day playing World of Warcraft for five consecutive hours instead of playing soccer or baseball outdoors?
In Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World (McGraw-Hill), Don Tapscott tries to shatter the negative stereotypes of the so-called Net Geners, who currently range in age from 11 to 31. His book gives parents from the baby boom generation — like me — reason for optimism.
After summarizing some of the book’s main themes, Hurt concludes that “Grown Up Digital is a must read for baby boomers and virtually anyone else born before 1977. As Mr. Tapscott observes, ‘The bottom line is this: if you understand the Net Generation, you will understand the future.’”
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