State-of-the-art in mathematical beliefs research
Erkki Pehkonen is a senior lecturer in the field of mathematics education at the University of Helsinki. He is interested in problem solving with a focus on motivating middle grades students and understanding students’ and teachers’ conceptions about mathematics teaching. (fonte)
Em busca da referência, acabei aqui:
Under the auspices of ICMI (International Commission on Mathematical Instruction) the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-10, was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. July 4-11, 2004
The aim of the ICME congresses was to: show what is happening in mathematics education worldwide, in terms of research as well as teaching practices; exchange information on the problems of mathematics education around the world; learn and benefit from recent advances in mathematics as a discipline
Livro completo (mais de 500 páginas para explorar com calma, um dia... um olhar diagonal diz-me que valerá a pena ler alguns dos contributos... isto se algum dia voltar o tempo para o professor ler... e continuar a aperfeiçoar as suas competências profissionais vida fora...)

E, não incluídas na parte publicada, ainda podem ser consultadas as "Regular Lectures" na mesma página
O ICME 11 foi em 2008 no México (qualquer dia... os textos...)
ICME 12?
2012... Coreia...
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