(Cansada deste faz de conta sem qualquer sentido porque o essencial não muda. Gastamos toda a nossa energia e tempo com papéis e tarefas absurdas e nenhuma/nenhum a repensar o que já provou não servir para coisa alguma... Deve ser da idade, mas cada vez mais tenho menos paciência para fazer coisas porque sim, porque tem de ser para inspeção ver, sem qualquer amor, crença ou convicção...)
Se continuarmos a fazer as mesmas coisas, não podemos esperar resultados diferentes.
Estamos a precisar de boas edutopias - um exemplo de boas práticas:

Editor's Note: Dr. Lourenco Garcia, Adjunct Professor at Northeastern University and Principal of Revere High School, co-authored this post.
In just two years, Revere High School (RHS) went from a low-performing school as classified by the Massachusetts Department of Education to winning the 2014 High School Gold Award at the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST) conference in San Diego. This past April, the school also ranked Silver on a U.S. News and World Report survey of the best U.S. high schools. With a population of approximately 1,500 students, 60 percent of whom are of color and 71 percent of whom are low-income, RHS is a national example of the type of programmatic systems change needed to move our schools forward.
In just two years, Revere High School (RHS) went from a low-performing school as classified by the Massachusetts Department of Education to winning the 2014 High School Gold Award at the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST) conference in San Diego. This past April, the school also ranked Silver on a U.S. News and World Report survey of the best U.S. high schools. With a population of approximately 1,500 students, 60 percent of whom are of color and 71 percent of whom are low-income, RHS is a national example of the type of programmatic systems change needed to move our schools forward.
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